Meet Epica’s™ multi-modality imaging masterpiece that does not ask you to compromise on any front – Vimago HU™; High Definition 3D Volumetric Imaging / Fluoroscopy / Digital Radiography is a platform designed to improve your diagnostic quality, efficiency, and profitability.
The highest spatial resolution of any 3D imaging device in the world combined with excellent soft tissue contrast (Hounsfield Units identical to conventional CT) and Fluoroscopy. View the obtained solid image volume at any angle, any orientation, and any thickness. Vimago studies are actually easier to read than radiographs.
High Definition Volumetric Imaging (HDVI) is the new standard. Your radiographs lead to false negatives and underdiagnosis. A 3D Vimago scan can find lesions, quickly, simply, and every time.
Proven to be clinically superior to radiographs
Superior or equivalent to conventional CT diagnostically
Replaces Ultrasound in many cases
Replaces MRI in many cases
Vimago HU has a vast array of applications like no other imaging device and should be the primary imaging modality for:
Skulls — sinus, nasal, bulla, ears, brain, oncology, trauma
Foreign Bodies — anywhere
Thorax — lungs, heart, coughing patients, met checks
Abdomen — liver, pancreas, kidneys, adrenals, GI, shunts, oncology
Orthopedics — stifles, elbows, hips, carpus/tarsus, angular limb deformities, OCD, cartilage lesions, fractures
Spine — cervical, thoracic, lumbar
Diagnostic Fluoroscopy — coughing, swallow studies, UG studies, shunts, collapsing tracheas
Interventional Fluoroscopy – biopsies, endoscopy guidance, stents, SU
The Vimago™ High Definition 3D Volumetric Imaging system comes from re-inventing and going beyond CT technology. Highest spatial resolution clinical 3D imaging with true isotropic voxels as high as 0.09mm x 0.09mm x 0.09mm. Any patient from 2oz to 200 lbs, can be effectively imaged. Patent pending innovations of this new technology result in Vimago™ not being subject to the limitations of Cone Beam CT systems. Soft tissue contrast resolution is fantastic. Vimago™ delivers studies with RAW signal to noise ratios that are unmatched, spatial resolution rivaled only by micro-CT, and diagnostic views from axial, sagittal, and coronal planes. Diagnostic contrast with Hounsfield Units identical to conventional CT. Setup of a study (patient positioning and anesthesia not included) takes no more than a few minutes. Three-dimensional imaging has never been easier, safer, or better.
High-resolution images, auto brightness/contrast, and frame rates from 1-16fps. Interventional imaging quality that beats C-Arm systems selling for considerably more. Any orientation of the patient may be viewed and gantry can move over the patient during the study.
May be used in single shot or scanning mode to allow an entire patient to be scanned in a single radiograph. Images may be taken at any angle.
The system comes with acquisition and viewing software built in including all types of 3D rendering and modeling. Support may be given by remote control of the system at any time via a Wifi connection.
Patient sizes: Fits any patient from a mouse to a mastiff (up to 50cm in patient thorax and table capacity of 450lbs)
HDVI Field of view: Up to 32cm radius x 78cm length
HDVI Resolution: 0.6mm – 0.09mm in 3 dimensions with true isotropic (perfectly cubic) voxels.
Fluoroscopy: 1-16fps, high resolution with auto-brightness and 3-dimensional orientation adjustment
Scan Speed: 7-24 seconds for first 12cm, + 13-30 seconds for each additional 8cm
Study Set-up Time: ~3min
Power Required: 220V
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